Senin, 16 April 2012

Javascript Tutorial for beginners

Haiii guys, some time ago I asked a few friends I to make a post about Javascript, yup, actually I was not the first post about Javascript, but wrote this. designation for this post I was a layman and have not used Javascript. I certainly was not an expert but I try to share the knowledge I have, hehee,,, we immediately wrote to the material.

I do not want to base - small talk about the history of JavaScript, you can look at other blogs, but maybe just wrote if Javascript in knowledge created and developed around the year 1995an SunMicrosystem is (again looking for references ya) hehe,, if on the Web, Javascript running side client, the browser itself is the JS compiler, just like HTML, but Javascript is a language program, use is itself on the Web is to beautify, to make use of the web into an interactive and userfriendly. Javascript is OOP (Object Oriented Program). maybe because a derivative of the JAVA itself hahaha * I * know tomorrow .. OOP tuh be, programs that can interact directly with objects - objects in it, every object has the characteristics (properties) and properties - specific properties (Behaviors) ..

Maybe for you guys who do not have basic programming will be difficult to understand the explanation above, one day you will understand by itself hahahaha,, IHH * serious * haha,, OK now we go straight to the user wrote

Javascript Tutorial for beginners

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